Standing in Support

Fringe friends,

During this cultural moment of reckoning, we recognize that to have even a small platform is a privilege. Today, we want to use our platform to vocally stand in solidarity with the Black community and the local, national, and global movement against racism and police brutality. We see you, we hear you, and we mourn with you. 

We acknowledge that the work of anti-racism is never done, and that vocalizing support is just the beginning of actively showing up in this fight. We are committed to continually improving our organization in the fight against systemic racism, and making Fringe a place where marginalized, underrepresented, and historically oppressed voices and stories are amplified. 

We look forward to continuing this ongoing conversation as we share our plans for the 2020 Fringe experience and beyond. At this time, we encourage our friends and followers to seek out education, donate where means permit, and support Black-owned businesses and artists—we’ve compiled some resources and links below.

In solidarity and with love,

The Fringe Team



This is not a comprehensive list of resources, but will hopefully serve as a starting point for further research and education.

A compilation of anti-racism resources:

Local Utah information and activism:

Where to donate:

Shianne Gray